HDMI on ZedBoard with Petalinux update.

I finally figure it out why Analog Devices reference design create/generated in Vivado 2014 by script(obviously updated to use new IP's, otherwise it didn't assemble 'Block Design' at all) didn't work. Reason is changes in Xilinx Concat IP, which used in reference design to concatenate interrupt signals from VDMA and I2C IP blocks to Zynq's F2S interrupt bus.
So, now in 2014.1, we got version 2.0 of it and it preserve the order of input signals on the output. Which means we must either change inputs order or change interrupt numbers in DTS.

So, for AD reference design generated in Vivado2014.1 interrupts are:

  • AXI_IIC_MAIN - #56.
  • AXI_VDMA_0 - #55.
  • AXI_IIC_FMC - #59.


6 thoughts on “HDMI on ZedBoard with Petalinux update.

  1. hi,when I try the process "HDMI on ZedBoard with Petalinux --- source ./system_project.tcl" in vivado 14.1/14.2, it says "ERROR: [BD 5-216] VLNV is not supported for this version of the tools". Did you have the same problem ?

  2. sorry, some information is hide because in the "":

    ERROR: [BD 5-216] VLNV "xilinx.com:ip:processing_system7:5.3" is not supported for this version of the tools

  3. hi,
    I download the HDL of version for Vivado2014.2 from github and run all the IP script, but after run the project script
    I found the interrupt •AXI_IIC_MAIN is connected to In14[0:0], do you mean we have to manually change the three interrupt connections to In0 In1 In4 ?

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