Exciting news! Yesterday Xilinx released Vivado 2014.1 - promise about 25% faster runtime and 1.5x overall speedup in compile+simulation! Also they added OpenCL kernels and some Linear algebra library to Vivado HLS! But for me more important changes is that now updated constraints file won't trigger 'out-of-date' for entire project. Also hope to see preset's for more Zynq boards, which already on a market.
Downloading it now and will try in a next hour.
SDK also got updated and now using GCC 4.8.1 instead of 4.7.3. This means almost all C++11 features supported!
Update: No additional board preset's and Avnet's board awareness files for MicroZed 7010 and 7020 for 2013.2 doesn't work anymore. Not sure yet how much effort will take to make them work.
Update 2: Changing board awareness files took 5 minutes. Not a big deal.